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Showing posts from July, 2018

Good thing He tested it

My husband and I both work in technology however he may have a different perspective as a software developer. I'm not very dependent on my husband for things. But I can name a few things here and there that I depend on him for and vice versa and our kids depend on each of us for different things. We have a 5 year old son and we have Apple TV. Our son knows how to fully operate this device with zero guidance. One day the remote stopped working. My son immediately said to me “Mama, the Apple TV isn’t working.” A side story: a while back the issue with the Apple TV was we couldn’t find the control and the world stopped. My husband said download the Apple controller app. We did and we found the control. So when the control in my hand showed no signs of life, I went to prove this theory that it was the control and the tv device. I launched the app and sure enough I could navigate and select my son’s show (Voltron). This is where the story gets interesting: I said to my husb

A double run because of no integration testing

Integration Testing is defined by Wikipedia as  " is the phase in  software testing  in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after  unit testing  and before  validation testing . Integration testing takes as its input  modules  that have been unit tested, groups them in larger aggregates, applies tests defined in an integration  test plan  to those aggregates, and delivers as its output the integrated system ready for  system testing ." My friends decided they wanted to do a challenge for weight loss. We wanted to do something to capture both diet and activity to help us.  I found the mobile app 'Lose It '. This app integrates with other apps and devices such as the Apple Watch, Fitbit, and Nike Running. I went for a run Friday morning but indoors using the treadmill. I turned my Nike RunClub app on and ran.  I would hear the app update me along the way, "1 Mile, time blah blah". I'd look at the treadmill